Thomas Caperton in England 1703

There is a lot I don't know about Thomas Caperton and how he fits.

This I do know from records at St. Cuthberts in Wells, England.  Thomas Caperton married Elinor Welch in 1703, Aug. 7.  It says Thomas Caperton and Elinor were of the Parish of Croscombe.  I can find Elinor's family at the Croscombe church.  Elinor born 1671 April and the daughter of Henry and Elizabeth Welch.  She had  brother James born June 9, 1678.  He married Sarah Mopson in 1702 at Croscombe. 
Elinor dies in 1705 and Thomas Caperton marries Ann Tinkwell on Oct. 25, 1712.  

There is another death of a wife of Thomas that I can't explain yet. July 16, 1697 Elianor wife of Thomas Caperton is buried at Wells.

Richard Caperton married Mary Deverill March 2, 1712
John Caperton was born June 26, 1717, son of Richard Caperton and Mary Devorill.
Richard Caperton was born March 8, 1714, son of Richard and Mary
Ann Caperton was born June 3, 1713, daughter of Richard and Mary


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