Freemasons of Ireland, Ancestry .com

These are the pages referring to John Caperton from 1760 to 1768 in Ireland.
Source Information

The Grand Lodge of Freemasons of Ireland Ireland, Grand Lodge of Freemasons of Ireland Membership Registers, 1733-1923 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2015.
Original data: Freemasons of Ireland Membership Registers. The Grand Lodge of Freemasons of Ireland, Dublin, Ireland.
About Ireland, Grand Lodge of Freemasons of Ireland Membership Registers, 1733-1923
Freemasonry is a fraternal order that traces its roots back to the operative masons of the late Middle Ages. Non-operative or speculative Freemasonry was an established part of Irish society from the 17th Century at least. Founded by 1725, the Grand Lodge of Ireland is the second-oldest Masonic Grand Lodge in the world. The Grand Lodge governs Masonic activity in Ireland and in various provinces around the world.
This collection includes membership registers for Masonic Lodges across the 32 counties of Ireland, for Irish Lodges abroad and for those that were attached to militia and British Army regiments. Registers typically list name, registry date and "observations," which can include a date of death. They may also note the dates a man advanced through the degrees of Freemasonry: E.A. (Entered Apprentice), F.C. (Fellow Craft), and M.M. (Master Mason), and from the latter part of the 19th Century professions are included.


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