
Showing posts from 2016

John Caperton in the Light Dragoons in 1764

The Grand Lodge of Freemasons of Ireland All Ireland, Grand Lodge of Freemasons of Ireland Membership Registers, 1733-1923 results for Caperton Results 1–4 of 4 John Caperton 19 May 1768 John Caperton 10 Sep 1764 Droghedas Light Dragoons 388 John Caperton 19 May 1768 John Caperton 10 Sep 1764  Warrant for Drogheda's Light Dragoons A regiment of Light Dragoons was raised in Ireland in 1759 by the Marquis of Drogheda, and numbered 19th.  It was changed to 18th in 1763 at the end of the Seven Years War.  Two warrants were granted to this Regiment,  December 2, 1762, 388 to the first squadron and 389 to the second.  The first registered 41 members up to 1791. and was canceled in 1813.  This was the regiment of John Caperton.  The source of this is Irish Masonic History and the Jewels of Irish Freemasonry. This regiment, 388, was enlisted to fight the Whiteboys who were a secret Irish agrarian organization in 18th century Ireland which used viole...

John in Ireland or Virginia in 1760 to 1774?

As I am looking at the family of John,  there are 3 children born in Virginia from 1760 to 1770.  I have also read that there were many ships running back and forth to Ireland from the Americas and that hopping a ship was no problem for those that had business there.  So was John traveling back and forth with products importing and exporting? It might make more sense than bringing your family back and forth.  Just when you think you know something....there are more questions than answers.

Caperton is found near Carrickfergus, Ireland as a name of a Townland in 1639.

This is a description of the location of an impounding reservoir for the Belfast Water District in Ireland.  It is from the Parliamentry Notices in the Freemans Journal Nov. 15, 1873 that are describing the legal locations of all the places. I think that this proves that there were Capertons in Ireland by 1639 because the other newspaper articles regarding this same description give the existence of Caperton Townland as being since 1639.  In this description it calls it the Caperton farm house belonging or reputed to belong to Marriott R. Dalway and in the occupation of Macauley Stewart in the year 1873.

Freemasons of Ireland, Ancestry .com

These are the pages referring to John Caperton from 1760 to 1768 in Ireland. Source Information The Grand Lodge of Freemasons of Ireland Ireland, Grand Lodge of Freemasons of Ireland Membership Registers, 1733-1923 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2015. Original data: Freemasons of Ireland Membership Registers. The Grand Lodge of Freemasons of Ireland, Dublin, Ireland. About Ireland, Grand Lodge of Freemasons of Ireland Membership Registers, 1733-1923 Freemasonry is a fraternal order that traces its roots back to the operative masons of the late Middle Ages. Non-operative or speculative Freemasonry was an established part of Irish society from the 17th Century at least. Founded by 1725, the Grand Lodge of Ireland is the second-oldest Masonic Grand Lodge in the world. The Grand Lodge governs Masonic activity in Ireland and in various provinces around the world. This collection includes membership registers for Masonic ...

Where did John go from 1760 to 1774?

I found the answer to that question!  John sold all his property in Virgina in 1760 and disappears from  available records in Virginia until 1774.  He is found in May 1760 back in Dublin, Ireland in the Freemasons register.  He is listed in 4 places.  He is last listed on the register in 1768.  I found the source on  The Caperton name is found near Carrickfergus on a map of impounding reservoirs.  It was called a Townland. John had joined the Dragoons upon returning to Ireland because Carrickfergus was being threatened by The French and he needed to volunteer to protect his land.  I read some history of the Ulsters and it totally fits with what John did.  I think that once that conflict was settled, the War in the Americas was starting with England and he went back to volunteer in that effort in Virginia. I will be putting together my references and try to figure out how to link them here.